How can I use Clean Language to help my clients define their future ideal selves?

How can I use Clean Language to help my clients define their future ideal selves?

Whether it’s time to ring in the new year or just time to make a big change, Clean Language is a wonderful tool to help your clients (or you!) figure out where they’re going.


  1. And when you’re at your best, you’re like what? Draw a simple sketch.

  2. And looking at your drawing, describe what’s there aloud. Really put it into words!

  3. And what do you know about that? And is there anything else you know about that?

  4. And is there a specific detail you are drawn to?

  5. And is there anything else about that?

  6. And what do you know about that?

Repeat these questions for new details for about 10 minutes, or until it feels right to stop.

Next, ask:

  1. And when all that, what needs to happen for you to be at your best, like that?

  2. And is there anything else about that?

  3. And what do you know about that?

Continue until you have 4-5 items or until your list is complete. Then, go back over each one and ask:

  1. What needs to happen for this to happen?

Continue doing that, and your client will have a plan for moving toward his best self!