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Fourth Friday CL Practice Group I

This practice group is for people who have some training in Clean Language, but who still feel like relative beginners. The emphasis is on practice, not training, but as topics and issues arise, Gina will answer questions, offer demonstrations– and add some helpful nuggets to help you solidify and grow your skills. Also welcome are people who may have studied Clen Language in the past, but have gotten rusty and need a refresher.

Prerequisite: You need to have a basic understanding of Clean Language and familiarity with the questions used to gather information: anything else, what kind of, where, …have happen?, then what happens?, along with knowledge of the P/R/O model and resource development. (If you don’t have these, join a cohort group for a live online Basics Part One course with Gina by contacting her at Next class starts May 4, 2021.)

Cost: 5 practices for $65 (recordings and transcripts of practices included)

When: We meet monthly of the fourth Friday of the month at 10am, Eastern Time (New York time zone) for 90 minutes. 

Limited to 10!


To join after we have started, contact for a pro-rated fee.