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MACCA (career development professionals) conference workshop

Access the Wisdom Within with Clean Language

Discover how asking Clean Language questions about clients’ own metaphors is the quickest, easiest, AND most effective way to help your clients discover their truest selves. By directing attention to the seeker’s exact words, a Clean facilitator uncovers the seeker’s subconscious metaphors that encode their wants, strategies, and beliefs-- the ones ‘driving the bus’, covertly influencing their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Gina will demonstrate how to draw out this deeper wisdom, starting with a seeker’s stick-figure drawing. You will learn what it means to maintain a Clean Stance, and get a chance to experience being both facilitator and client, as we develop a metaphor for a client’s resourceful way of being when confronted with a situation over which they have little control, like a pandemic or forced job loss. Visit here for more information and to register.